Adjustable Silicone Baby Bibs


Our Adjustable Silicone Baby Bibs are perfect for weaning, featuring easy-to-clean materials and a comfortable fit for your little one. The adjustable neck size allows for a secure fit, and the soft silicone keeps your baby comfortable at mealtimes.

Weaning can be a fun part of growing up....... a messy, but fun part! These adjustable silicone bibs are perfect to help manage the mess!

The adjustable neck fitting allows comfort whilst being totally practical. The best part though is you can wipe them or put them through your dishwasher! No more mysterious orange stains on your cloth bibs!

The handy food catcher bottom ensures that every crumb has the chance of being eaten (or smooshed into their hair!)

Key Features:

  • Dishwasher Safe
  • Easy to Clean
  • Soft and Comfortable
  • Lightweight
  • Flexible


This product has been selected by our buyers from a collection of boutique manufacturers and suppliers who will manufacture and ship the products directly to you - enabling the fastest and safest possible delivery to you. The processing of orders with our suppliers can take up to 48 hrs in high periods of demand.

UK: DHL/FedEx/Other Premium Courier - Tracked Shipping (approx 10 business days following order processing)


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