Unisex Three-Piece Baby Outfit


This Unisex Three-Piece Baby Outfit is a great addition to any wardrobe. A beautiful design and is made from soft and comfortable cotton.

The set comes with a matching long sleeve top, trousers and a hat. Soft and comfortable with plenty of wriggle and playroom. 


  • Three-Piece Set
  • Wriggle and Play Room
  • Soft Comfortable Cotton
  • Great Detail


This product has been selected by our buyers from a collection of boutique manufacturers and suppliers who will manufacture and ship the products directly to you - enabling the fastest and safest possible delivery to you. The processing of orders with our suppliers can take up to 48 hrs in high periods of demand.

NOTICE: Due to international logistics disruptions we are experiencing cases where delivery times can sometimes be longer than expected.

UK: DHL/FedEx/Other Premium Courier - Tracked Shipping (5 to 10 business days following order processing)

If you haven't received a shipping confirmation email with your tracking info within 3 days then feel free to get in touch.

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