Nordic Style Wooden Toy Abacus


We love playtime and decorations that incorporate early years education. This Nordic Style Wooden Abacus not only looks great, but it's also perfect for developing hand-eye coordination, numeracy skills, problem-solving.

All elements of Montessori play and early years education rolled into this beautiful-looking abacus!


  • Eco Friendly Wooden Toy
  • Early Years Education Friendly
  • Stylish and Modern
  • Develop Hand-Eye Coordination, Memory, Logical Thinking


This product has been selected by our buyers from a collection of boutique manufacturers and suppliers who will manufacture and ship the products directly to you - enabling the fastest and safest possible delivery to you. The processing of orders with our suppliers can take up to 48 hrs in high periods of demand.

NOTICE: Due to international logistics disruptions we are experiencing cases where delivery times can sometimes be longer than expected.

UK: DHL/FedEx/Other Premium Courier - Tracked Shipping (5 to 10 business days following order processing)

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If you haven't received a shipping confirmation email with your tracking info within 3 days then feel free to get in touch.

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