Wooden Toy Cutting Fruit Playset


Encourage role play with this lovely set of 7 wooden fruit toys! Let them help you prepare dinner by pretend cutting the fruit needed. The velcro fastening allows the fruit to be 'cut' and then stuck back together for next time!

Hours of fun pretending to cook dinner and serving in a pretend dinner party!

Includes: 1 x wooden knife, 1 x wooden tray (24cm x 16cm x 1cm), 1 x Watermelon, 1 x Plum, 1 x Pear, 1 x Peach, 1 x Kiwi, 1 x Apple, 1 x Strawberry


This product has been selected by our buyers from a collection of boutique manufacturers and suppliers who will manufacture and ship the products directly to you - enabling the fastest and safest possible delivery to you. The processing of orders with our suppliers can take up to 48 hrs in high periods of demand. All of our deliveries are absolutely FREE of charge.

UK: DHL/FedEx/Other Premium Courier - Shipping (2-3 business days following order processing)

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